Thursday 30 September 2010

A hall runner that impresses

Hall runners are often not given the importance they deserve. And sometimes all it takes is seeing an impressive hall runner to make you realise how vital this is to create the right impression upon your visitors.

Check out one such runner: our Damask black and white hall runner

Wednesday 29 September 2010

Bad hosting will kill your business

Whilst the title may seem a tad dramatic, bad hosting nonetheless is a key component of your online business success. Hosting is one of the main determining factors to how fast (or slow) your website loads... and that is a factor in ranking (officially).

To find out more, check out my article:

A taste of Eden... in a rug

Modern Style Rugs have a great range of rugs... but this is definitely a rug to see. Using just 3 colours, this special rug manages to capture and create warmth and depth. That's right, all that with just 3 colours.

Go see for yourself:

Thursday 23 September 2010

Reto rugs are good for you?

We all agree that colours have a profound effect on us. The right colour can trigger all kinds of feelings and emotions. And this, when used correctly, can change your mood and your day... so much so that we'd like you to look at this:

Thursday 9 September 2010

Buying rugs for children... is a joy

If you've ever been shopping for children's gifts, you already know how difficult it can be to get it right. Still, buying chocolates and toys is a breeze compared to getting the right rug.

But Modern Style Rugs have shifted the goal posts and hit the nail on the head again with their great collection of children's rugs! It's something to see. There are so many fantastic rugs for kids in there, that even the fussiest of youngsters will be spoilt for choice.

If you're searching for just such a thing, now is a good time to pop to their childrens rug section and take a good look.

Round Rug Rodeo at Modern Style Rugs

Ever through much about round rugs? We dare you to look at Modern Style Rug's collection of round rugs: and we're serious! They have a vast array of rugs to start with, but their round rug collection is stunning enough to turn the non-round rug lover into a fan. It happened to us!