Tuesday 21 December 2010

Shopping Safely Online

One of the perks about shopping online is, ironically, personal security.

Whilst there is always a current news story involving online fraud, hacking and compromising private data online, there are also news of muggings and worse taking place in the real world.
Security is present both on the Internet and in the real world, but in order to implement it you have to do things in a certain way.

Purchasing things from a dodgy backstreet shop where you get the feeling that things are not legit can land you in trouble with the law and can cost you a lot of money. Just walking down the street at the wrong time can result in a physical risk and could also cost you a lot of money if you were robbed.

Those are common risk factors in the real world.

Shopping online doesn't pose a direct physical threat to your person but does come with its own security risk: namely, your private data.

The good news is that, just like you can take precautions in the real world to protect your hard-earned money, so can you when shopping online.

Let's draw some useful parallels to see how simple it can be to implement security when shopping for an everyday commodity, such as quality rugs online.

1. You wouldn't walk with your wallet in your hand, open, across a busy street. Similarly, online, you would hide your credit or debit card details (i.e. your wallet) from prying eyes by protecting your computer with a suitable anti-virus.

2. You wouldn't purchase items from a shop of ill repute. Likewise, when you buy online, you wouldn't purchase from a website that has no security measures to protect your privacy.

Some things to look for:

1. Look for an SSL certificate on the website where you want to buy rugs (or anything else) from.
2. Look for any badges such as Verisign or Geotrust. These let you know that the website is protected, and that the website owner is paying a subscription fee to the security company to keep their website safe.
3. Of course don't forget to check that the security badge is active (check the date on it and try clicking on it to see if it takes you to a page with security statistics or information).

Other things that you need to do:

A decent antivirus will stop unauthorised programs such as viruses from running on your computer or from being downloaded from certain webpages. Ensure that you have an up to date antivirus program. You can be shopping in the most secure website online, but if your own computer is compromised, a hacker can obtain your login information and your financial details as you log in to the site.

Childrens rugs galore!

Shopping for your children is never easy, and it's no different when it comes to rugs. Children are tough customers when it comes to taste! But here at Modern Style Rugs we know a thing or two about great rugs and even children can't help but love our ranges... take a look and see why:
our fab range of rugs for children

Thursday 9 December 2010

Rugs Online for You and I

Everybody knows by now that the most convenient way to shop for rugs is to buy rugs online. And this is where we help make things even easier, with our state of the art website, our great and user-friendly design, our easy to use navigation, our great stock and - of course - our great prices.

See for yourself, how we do the rugs online 'thing'.

Modernist Rugs? What's that all about!

Modernist rugs, as the word suggest, is a term describing moder rugs. For the sophisticated modernist who likes to express themselves by decorating in ways that create statements that reflect what they're all about, modernist rugs are a great strategy.

If you're looking to make a statement with your decor, then Modern Style Rugs can help you accomplish this with ease and at a very affordable price.

Check us out: you'll be surprised! www.modernstylerugs.co.uk/

Thursday 2 December 2010

Shopping for Rugs Online Can Be SAFER

When it comes to shopping online, security is a must and Modern Style Rugs takes security very seriously.

Here are 3 tips to help you shop safer, whether your shopping for rugs online or anything else!

Shopping for Rugs Online Gives You More CHOICE

When it comes to buying rugs, choice matters, and in a high street store space is limited, which means the choices you have are usually restricted by the amount of stock available.

Not so when you're buying your quality rugs online, from a smart retailer like Modern Style Rugs.

Modern Style Rugs have a huge range of rug collections to choose from, available and ready for you to chose and receive.

Browse through the ranges to see for yourself just how much there is to choose from, and remember that there's more coming!