Wednesday 30 December 2009

January sales: shopping for a rug in the sales?

Are you looking for a great bargain rug in the January sales? Modern Style Rugs are offering fantastic quality rugs at bargain prices!

If you're serious about finding the best quality rug at the best price, you can't afford not looking at Modern Style Rugs' range of stunning rugs.

Their fantastic range contains only quality, and includes:
Our particular favourite is the black wool shag rug (it's black... it goes with anything!)

Tuesday 22 December 2009

Black Wool Shag Rugs at Affordable Prices

Take a look at this breath-taking black wool wool rug.

Impressive is one of the many boxes ticked by this wonderful rug, and how could it be any other way? Black rugs always impress (of course, by that we mean quality black rugs such as the fine rug pictured on the left, not just any rug!).

This rug has a golden weave that adds a beautiful complementary colour to the surrounding black wool pile. It's a treat, there's no mistaking this fact.

Perfect for the serious, the stylish, the cutting-edge, the modern professional, the art connoisseur and many others of a similar type, this black wool shag rug easily compliments these personalities and makes for a perfect centre piece in the home.

Show off your class and style with this magnificent, striking rug by bagging your very own at Modern Style Rugs e-commerce site today!

A Red Wool Shag Rug that impresses

Modern Sytle Rugs have an impressive range of wool shag rugs, including the red wool shag rug pictured on the left.

It would do this fabulous rug an injustice to attempt to describe it in brief, nor do we think that we can serve it with a fitting review in less than 2,000 words.

Suffice it to say that if you're looking for a red wool shag rug, then Modern Style Rugs' offering is not to be missed.

In keeping with their customer-orientation, this stunning wool rug comes at a price that;s hard to believe, considering the astounding quality of this product, from the soft pile to the striking visual effect that this wonderful rug creates on just about any surface.

To see a great review of this product, see:

Or visit Modern Style Rugs e-commerce site and see the rug for yourself!:

Saturday 19 December 2009

Do you believe in magic rugs?

Like most people, we didn't believe in magic rugs... until this post went live. Modern Style Rugs' latest announcement on the development of their site is inspiring, especially for the rug shopper. We've been following the development of their new e-commerce rug website with a lot of interest, and their latest update was a nice announcement that they're at a stage now where they're welcoming all user feedback in order to make their website a fantastic shopping experience.

Modern Stye Rugs know about rugs: they've established themselves as one of the UK's online rug providers, and they really do provide a fantastic range of quality rugs.
It is because of this, that we find it most refreshing that they've taken the time to ask for feedback, and to announce that they're very open to all kinds of feedback from all rug shoppers.

We wait excitedly to hear more on their development of their new website, which is (we believe) scheduled to be live in the first quarter of 2010.

Wednesday 16 December 2009

Rug Psychology

Have you heard about Rug Psychology? Probably not, uh? Well, the Modern Style Rugs Blog is ablaze once again with a new debate: whether a rug can be a treat or not.

What's your take? Think you have a handle on this? Check out Modern Style Rug's post here: and see if you feel the same about the way you look at your treats!

Thursday 10 December 2009

Don't buy cheap rugs!

That's the message Modern Style Rugs are sending out, loud and clear:

Don't buy cheap rugs!

Instead buy exquisite, high quality rugs at bargain prices.

Does that sound like a better strategy to you? It should do!

The bottom line is that Modern Style Rugs deal only with top quality rugs, yet are able to provide their customers with incredibly low prices by virtue of being an online rug shop and cutting out middle men, storage costs and much more.

Interested? Want to see and learn more about our great rug collections

Come visit our blog and find out more about Modern Style Rugs.

Tuesday 8 December 2009

Children's Rugs: where to start

How a child's rug can change a room

Every now and again you come across a great tip that you want to remember and put to use every time you need it. This is going to be one of those times...

Modern Style Rugs have a great approach to decorating your child's room (or any room for that matter). 
Below are the magic steps to accomplish this in a breeze:

1. You'll need a children's rug, of course.
2. You'll need a bare room

Place the rug in the centre of your child's bedroom, and work from there.

Sound easy? That's because it is. Yet more people fail to pick a centre piece to work from when it comes to decorating a room, and go about the task taking their lead from various - usually non matching - focal points.

It's all in the rug....

Take our word for it: choose the right childrens' rug before any other piece of decor, and work from there.

You'll be amazed at how easy decorating the room becomes!