Tuesday 8 December 2009

Children's Rugs: where to start

How a child's rug can change a room

Every now and again you come across a great tip that you want to remember and put to use every time you need it. This is going to be one of those times...

Modern Style Rugs have a great approach to decorating your child's room (or any room for that matter). 
Below are the magic steps to accomplish this in a breeze:

1. You'll need a children's rug, of course.
2. You'll need a bare room

Place the rug in the centre of your child's bedroom, and work from there.

Sound easy? That's because it is. Yet more people fail to pick a centre piece to work from when it comes to decorating a room, and go about the task taking their lead from various - usually non matching - focal points.

It's all in the rug....

Take our word for it: choose the right childrens' rug before any other piece of decor, and work from there.

You'll be amazed at how easy decorating the room becomes!

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