Wednesday 10 February 2010

Get your hallway spruced up with the right hall runner, or be the talk of the town!

Halls and hallways are often the most neglected areas inside our homes, especially when it comes to decorating. Commonly, for many this part of the home is not a priority: we're much more concerned with how our living area looks, how our bedrooms look and how our kitchens look.

Ironically, a hallway is by far one of the easiest areas to garnish. The perfect hall runner can convert the dullest hallway into a opus of awe in significantly less time than it takes to undertake many other decorating tasks in any other space in the home.

And yet, it's more often than not only when the rest of the home has been decorated that the focus turns to the hallway. But worse, depending on funds and how desperate you are to get the decorating done with, the hallway can end up with nothing other than a slap of paint and an unremarkable, run-of-the-mill carpet rolled across it.

Why it's worth spending a little time choosing the right hallrunner for your hall

Think again if you believe you can get away with the minimal approach when it comes to your hallway. The reality is that your hallway is going to reflect the rest of your decorating effort across your home. This is why you need - in fact you ought to - invest the same passion when it comes to decorating your hallway.

And all it takes is the right hall runner. Get this right and... visitors and acquaintances strolling across soft pile rugs and luxurious flooring across your rooms won't be getting a nasty shock when they at last totter across your hallway; they won't be returning home remembering just that part of your home into which you didn't put quite sufficient effort, and forgetting the rest of your 'masterpiece'.

Remember that decorating your hallway typically requires much less effort in terms of time, as your hallway is almost always going to be smaller proportionately than the rest of the quarters in your home.

Complementing the rest of your home decor

The preference of hallrunner ought to generally always complement the look and feel in the rest of your home (unless of course, you're aiming to attain an individual look in each area of your home.

Below are a coupe of tips to remind you of how fast you can dress up your hallway, whether you're aiming for a conservative look, or a contemporary feel:

1 A funky hall runner can transform your hallway from a bland stretch of corridor to a tardis-like area.
2 Alternatively, a stylish hall runner can bring a dash of class and style to your place. Add to this a lick of neutral paint and some chic art on the wall and you'll create such a pleasant experience for your visitors that they will remember your hallway for all the appropriate reasons!

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